looking is thinking


 Selected Design Work

Early Hours

Branding - Small Business


Branding - Corporate International



Cloud Gazers

Branding - Event


seeing is being


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David Jacobsen Loncle is a Brooklyn-based artist and university educator with 15+ years of professional experience domestic and international.

He has worked in numerous fields including administration, arts organization, theater, education, nonprofit, and museums.

A recent Shillington Grad, David is looking forward to applying his practiced critical thinking, linguistic, illustrative and design skills to rich developmental projects with creative, environmentalist, humanitarian or educational missions.

Strongest design based competencies include draftsmanship, writing, Photoshop, InDesign, and digital photography. He is capable with Figma, Illustrator, Premier and dabbles in After Effects.

He is also a confident public speaker, faster learner and is practiced and comfortable working on solo projects or in groups, where he values team chemistry and human centric company culture.

David has insatiable academic curiosity, loves complicated intellectual challenges, is an avid home cook, gardener, woodworker, has highly diversified experience, excellent inter-personal skills, INTJ Myers-Briggs Personality Type and at 6’5”, he can reach objects on high shelves.