Early Hours

(is cockney for flowers)

Brand Values

Creative, Aware, Charming

Small Business Brand

Early Hours is a small business targeting the local communities in the East End of London.

A garden center aiming to support, through events and programming, the diversity and history of the area, Early Hours seeks to link a cosmopolitan demographic through a love of plants.

Design Challenge

East London is a historic, diverse and developing location. Developing a brand that appeals to a broad and rich demographic is the main challenge.

My Design Responsibilities

  • Brand Outline and Identity

  • Illustrations & Character Design (bespoke to project)

  • Logo

  • Image Treatments

  • Typography

  • Color Palette



The concept of Guerilla Gardening is prominent in London and aligns with the often subversive yet idealistic cultural features of the East End.


East London is also home to the largest technology center in Europe. Several of the taglines developed reference this cultural feature alongside classic Victorian garden motifs like anthropomorphic animals.


Above: Conflated with the upbeat alternative perspective tropes of the area there is a pronounced effort in the local community to celebrate its cultural and ethnic diversity.

Below: The Lettermark “URS” recalls the famous meander of the Thames on its course through the neighborhood.


Most the plants seen in the “Guerilla Taxi” composite are from my apartment. ;D


Image Credits/Appreciations

Michael Boalch

Sam Fry

Richard Hass