"Oracle Figure - (Kafigeledjo)"


Oracle Figure

“He who Speaks the Truth”


Oracle Figure (Kafigeledjo)

19th–mid-20th century

Côte d'Ivoire, northern Côte d'Ivoire

Senufo peoples

Wood, iron, bone, porcupine quills, feathers, commercially woven fiber, organic material

H. 32 7/16 × W. 14 1/2 × D. 5 1/2 in. (82.5 × 36.8 × 14 cm)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

who are you am i

the question drapes

across you

travelers face


be still to be between

is i am

among that that is


the shadow of a drifting feather plays its song upon the rising ground

and frozen wide-eyed wanderings spread curious

imaginings far across our faces

mirroring the fear of choice’s scope

the corners of our mouth pull out

to wrap a noose into a fallen halo


desire is a blink

don’t blink

or passing, though I move, I cannot follow


patience waits to win its place

closed doors stare stone eyes


already it is am i

in you

by the look of you


the wordless speaker repeats




what you think is the earth

is but a precipice

we are always here

where you’ve chosen not to see

where you’ve chosen not to see

there yet is always watching